Jonathan Wheeler was my grandfather, back 8 generations. He was born Feb. 7, 1708 in Stonington, Ct. His parents were Richard Wheeler and Prudence Payson. Richard Wheeler died when Jonathan was only 4 years old. Jonathan then went to live with his uncle Issac Wheeler and his wife Mary Shepard Wheeler. Issac's home that he built on the Wheeler Rd. in Stonington was later known as the "Jonathan Wheeler Homestead". The house had been in our family since 1687. The east half of the house was built for Jonathan by his uncle Issac in 1720. Sadly, the Jonathan Wheeler Homestead burned to the ground during the 1970's. (My father told me that in the 1960's, My grandfather, John Wheeler, was contacted at his home in Old Saybrook about the farm. The current owner, a Wheeler family member, was moving out of state and offered to sell the house and farm, which included 100 acres to my grandfather. He was asking $30,000. My grandfather simply refused and hung up. My father learned about the conversation much later in life. He shared his frustration in that the house and farm could have still been in the Wheeler family if my grandfather had shared the information with other family members.) Mary Wheeler kept the store near the Frink Tavern. Jonathan was taught this business and the cooper's trade. He later built a store and shop southeast of the Jonathan Wheeler Homestead. In the shop he made casks, butter firkins, keelers(to put milk in), barrels, and hogsheads. He sold his goods to his Aunt Mary for use in her store and to Mr. John Denison. In 1730, Jonathan built a barn to the east of the house. It was used for a wheat barn and stood upon a stone foundation. During the summer in those times, when the barn was empty, a school was kept there. Jonathan married Esther Denison on March 1, 1732. He died October 8, 1790. He was the first one to be buried in the Jonathan Wheeler Cemetery. The Jonathan Wheeler Cemetery was designated as a final resting place for Wheeler family members by Jonathan Wheeler prior to his death. This small 100 square yards of space is all that is left of the historic Jonathan Wheeler farm and house.