Sunday, October 24, 2010

Jonathan Wheeler Cemetery

My dad and I visited the Jonathan Wheeler Cemetery yesterday to begin part of our "fall cleanup". I am truly amazed at how far it has come! I can remember when I was really young driving down Wheeler road with my father and Grandfather looking for the cemetery. We stopped just below where the Pequot Golf Course is now and pulled off the side of the road. There, we made our way through brush, briars, poison ivy, and other New England varieties. I remember how neglected and buried this place was in the middle of nowhere. I only really began my fascination with family history and genealogy after my grandfather passed away. My dad and uncle were going through the many family stories and treasures and I became hooked. The intrigue and mystery of how ancestors persevered, lived, and died has become a treasured hobby. I only wish that I could spend more time researching, discovering, and writing about their lives. For now, I cherish the time my dad and I spend caring for the little plot of land that holds the remains of my ancestors and their many stories


  1. Hi Steve, I believe I contacted you once before about Wheeler family history years ago. I'm back on the Wheeler line again and totally confused. My husband and I both have connections to the Wheelers in Connecticut but it's all a confusing mess. We are planning a trip to CT. in late October and are hoping to straighten some of it out. Do you have your pedigree online somewhere that I could look at it?

  2. I don't but the book that helped me to keep it all straight is "Fifty Great Migration Colonists to New England" by John Brooks Threlfall. It does a great job of differentiating the Wheelers from Cranfield, England.

  3. My grandfather purchased the old Wheeler home that was on Wheeler Road. He was Irving Dawley. I spent my summers as a child on the farm w/my cousins who lived next door and across the street. We used to go to the cemetery often. One day 2 little, old ladies were looking for the cemetery. They had some book that was some type of treasure hunt book. They had to fill in the names from the headstones in the cemetery. They too traveled back thu the bushes to get there. Have not been up there in quite some time, but the housing development is named after my grandfather "Dawley Estates. Thanks for the trip down memory lane,
    Kathy Hinchliffe
